Minutes for 11/19/2014

Union Catalog Committee Meeting Agenda and notes Wed. Nov 19, 2014


  • MOBIUS update and Marmot project plan
    • Stable list of pType and iType changes has been submitted to III
    • Date of changeover is most likely going to be January 7, 2015
    • As part of this process, temporary create list buckets will be added 340-360 - DO NOT USE - Mary Katherine will send out a notice when this happens.
  • Cataloging Standards/Best practices to be established and documented – what needs to be done and what is our deadline?
    • Mary Katherine has made additions/deletes to the existing standards document to reflect the Google Doc that Alysa and Karen had worked on; document is still a work in progress
    • Questions:
      • Fields to strip from vendor/non-OCLC records - will be updated to reflect SkyRiver
      • Minimum requirements for a bib record - Alysa recommended adding the physical description and 1 subject heading to the minimum requirements. This was agreed to by the committee
      • Clarification on when the 856 is kept in the bib record - only for resources shared by all Marmot members; otherwise it is moved to the item
      • Which records keep the prefix in the 001, and which remove it - only OCLC records should strip the prefix; an extended discussion is needed on this topic at a later date.


  • Plans for an authority reclamation project with LTI (Karen)
    • Prompted by question from Lloyd at Ft. Lewis
    • Jimmy has quote from LTI - would cost $60,000 to recapture the gap in the base records (1.2 million records), but they did provide a quote for $38,000 (payable over two years) that would reprocess the entire 1.9 million records.
    • Last major reclamation was in 2006; quarterly updates have been done since then, but this reflects only authorities in the base records, not any new records added since that time
    • It is important to add a 500 note on any item that does not need authority control (no authors, subjects) that says: no A.C. so these can be excluded from the reclamation project
    • Jimmy will forward email from LTI and this can be a discussion item at the next meeting
  • Item records -- volume fields (MK)
    • An increasing number of records are including unnecessary data in the volume field
    • Causes prompting for item level holds when it isn’t necessary
    • This is covered in the standards; but with so many “new” people, it is likely getting overlooked
    • Can use $e in call number for information that a library wants to include that isn’t actually a volume number
    • Should we try to have separate bibs for DVDs that circulate as a complete set and those split into sections? No - tried it before and it didn’t work; doesn’t cause confusion for patrons.
  • Ask a question any question- UCC training sessions within scheduled UCC meeting.
    • New section for the UCC meeting - send questions, ideas for training, etc., to Angela and Mary Katherine to put on the agenda - idea is to have ongoing training throughout the year.
    • Do any OCLC libraries have an existing (written) workflow for batch item deletes in Sierra, and subsequently in Connexion (OCLC)? (Mary Walsh)
      • Alysa, Diane, and Karen will send what they have to Mary Walsh.
    • Cataloging question about whether it is standard to put a space at the end of the |d in the call number in the item record. (Karen)
      • Question came out of conversation with Mark about how to display in VuFind - Mark should treat any delimiters in the call number field as a space.
  • Weeding policies
    • A few policies were discussed - anyone with written policies is encouraged to send them to Angela 
Meeting Date: 
Wednesday, 2014, November 19
Documentation Type: 
Meeting Minutes
Union Catalog Committee