Minutes for 02/26/2013
Reconciliation of money (fines, lost items, etc.,) between Marmot Libraries
KN will send an email to ASC asking for comments (pro & con) be directed to Chris Cook at Basalt so that Chris can prepare a document for the next board meeting.
Reconciliation List
Create list #193 has the list of all items overdue by more than one year (minus the items that are out to Prospector libraries)
Each library will review their list of items and compile a list of items we want other libraries to search for (like Prospector reconcilliation)
KN will ask Jimmy for a Marmot staff memeber to compile the changes.
Should we run this list quarterly? More often? Decide after we see how many items are on the compiled list.
Request for volunteers to incorporate changes into the Best Practices document
Anne Johnson & Nathalie Crick volunteered
Questions from EPL:
Carol reports that the questions have all been answered
Future agenda items
Move to monthly meetings?
DVD Lending practices - revist after next vufind meeting
Review of 8-day hold shelf - sometime in May
Review of current load balancing - sometime in April