IT Services
In addition to maintaining servers and network infrastructure for Sierra, Pika, and other hosted services, Marmot also supports IT infrastructure in libraries
Network Management: Marmot staff install, support, and maintain local network appliances with firewall, content filter, subnet, traffic shaping, and diagnostic facilities. Marmot handles calls with internet service providers whenever your library has an internet problem.
Broadband: We procure and support the best available broadband service for each site. We bring technical expertise to the table when member libraries learn of new broadband opportunities.
Website Hosting: Marmot takes care of OS updates and Drupal updates so you can concentrate on content.
Server Maintenance: We support and maintain local servers purchased and housed in libraries. We also support virtual servers at Marmot to serve as “cloud-based file servers”for libraries.
Workstations & Tablets: Cybersecurity is an important goal of any organization. Marmot keeps workstations and tablets safe from malware, always up-to-date on Windows, Office, etc. with the right balance of on-site and remote support.
EnvisionWare: Marmot supports PCReservation, LPT1, and MobilePrint to make public computers and printers as user-friendly as possible.
Backup: Backup needs and costs can vary a lot. Marmot consults with you to devise the most cost-effective backup solution for your library.
For more information contact Andy Hamilton
Marmot supports IT infrastructure in libraries across the Western Slope:
- 75 library sites
- 99 servers (physical in libraries and virtual at Marmot)
- 86 wireless access points
- 1,139 public and staff computers
Marmot staff are experts at supporting library IT needs:
- Workstations for staff and public
- Wi-Fi upgrades and mobile printing for patron-owned devices
- More options in self-service and sorting appliances (SIP clients)
- Broadband upgrades from DSL and T-1 to fiber, Metro-Ethernet, and cable
- More options in security, climate-control, and other devices on LANs
- Equipment moves for library remodels and relocations
- Network privatization & DHCP