Minutes for 08/16/2016

Digital Archive Committee

1:00 - 2:30

Meeting Minutes

  1. Request for Minutes

  2. Rename Archive - The Ermine Archive (John Major)

    1. Tabled for now

  3. Server/Hosting update (Mark & Jordan)

    1. There is a new server at Marmot that will host Islandora

    2. Import/export process is about half way done

    3. Ft Lewis’ items are currently be transferred

    4. Anticipating the process will be finished by Friday and go live the week of the 22nd

    5. Everything will be in the same place, but there will be a new theme

    6. Watch your email for any updates

    7. We are OK to start adding content again, however, waiting is fine

  4. Islandora Update (Jordan)

    1. Two projects are live

      1. Mesa County Veterans Remember & Salida Oral Histories

    2. Six presentations for some newer Marmot members

    3. There is a new pricing model for the Digital Archive

      1. Prices are based on collection size

    4. Visited Pine River and Salida

    5. On site training for ? and Vail

    6. The interface for academic libraries might be different

      1. A feature that will be added is a single search box

      2. The goals for patron searches differ between public and academic libraries

    7. More improvements are coming soon

    8. Currently finding bugs and troubleshooting

    9. There will some new collections ready by MUG

  5. Pika update (Mark)

    1. Ft Lewis’ postcard collections are now viewable in Pika

      1. Zoomable

      2. Both sides are available

    2. Vail’s Quilt Book will be ready by Friday

      1. This is the first integrated collection/project in the catalog

      2. The pages are interdependent upon each other

      3. Different pages refer to other pages and pictures

      4. A plan for the future is to add real life pictures (and map locations?) of the images in the book

      5. On the to-do list is the ability to search within the quilt collection

    3. Steamboat will have a magazine collection available as well

    4. Gunnison coming soon

    5. Resource sharing will be determined by the owning library

      1. Patrons will be able to request copies from their home library

      2. Each library will determine the parameters for use

  6. Upcoming Presentations - MUG & CAL (Alysa, Martha & Jordan)

    1. Aside from the main one there will be two other digital archive presentations

      1. Copyright info and a hands-on experience

    2. Archive Integration presentation at CAL

  7. Round Robin Project Discussion (all)

    1. Adams State

      1. On hold for a while - semester starts Monday

      2. Hoping to hire someone to help with their oral histories

    2. Bud Werner

      1. Uploading Three Wire Winter articles and issues

      2. Everything is working as intended

      3. There has been a lot of research involved with the process as well

    3. CCU

      1. Ready to go (upload?)

    4. EVLD

      1. Creating a backlog of scanned photographs

      2. Some are from The Red Book and others are from their local history collection

      3. Manuscripts and maps as well

    5. Fort Lewis

      1. Ready to release volume one of the postcards in time for MUG

      2. Getting ready for the new semester

        1. They will have students helping

    6. Garfield

      1. No progress on their current project

      2. Jordan has provided training

    7. Gunnison

      1. Nancy is at CLiC

      2. Continuing on the Cattleman’s Days project

      3. Working on Islandora metadata

    8. Mesa County

      1. Filming 360 degree videos of our local Art on the Corner statues

    9. Pine River

      1. Working on an oral history project

    10. Salida

      1. There is a collection of interviews and about half are complete

    11. Vail

      1. The Quilt Book is looking good

    12. Western State

      1. Waiting for images to uploaded to the server

    13. Others?

  8. Collaborative Project Subject Discussion (Keeping on agenda, but not up for discussion this month)

    1. Table this for now

  9. Questions?

    1. JImmy noted that there are already collaborations happening between projects that demonstrate how this is starting to become an interconnected collection

    2. SIPA grants are coming up - $5,000

    3. https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sipa/micro-grant-program
Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, 2016, August 16
Documentation Type: 
Meeting Minutes
Digital Archive Committee