Minutes for 05/05/2015
Discovery Committee Meeting 5 May, 2015 Minutes
- Mark introduced the new issues and development tracking tool. This will replace Pivotal Tracker, but Mark is still in the process of moving everything over to YouTrack. Mark briefly demoed the new tool, and followed up after our meeting with a quick help document, which included steps for creating a new account. In general, only one person per library should have the ability to create and updated issues, but all can register as guests in order to view progress. The introductory document was also soon be posted to the wiki.
Pika Videos
- Tammy created some patron-focused video tutorials on various topics for Pika. This includes short videos on searching, account maintenance, Overdrive eBooks, and more. Mark suggested the links to the videos be made available from the left-side menu within Pika, which the group agreed, with the option to display all or some of the videos at will. The videos can also be linked to directly and can be embedded in other locations such as library websites.
Digital Repository
- Mark shared information from the Marmot Council meeting where the Digital Repository was discussed. This development will likely not begin until around 3rd quarter of this year, and is currently not available to Discovery partners. Mark showed some mock-ups of how the digital repository might work.
High Priority Backlog Items
- Worked on bugs, particularly related to AspenCat in order to get them live.
- Worked on detailed search option, so someone who always only wants to search for movies, for example, will be able to do that.
- Worked on updates to Browse categories, including the ability to link directly to a browse category from outside of Pika.
- Going forward, development will focus on bugs and development, including those with higher votes (which YouTrack allows).
Meeting Date:
Tuesday, 2015, May 5
Documentation Type:
Meeting Minutes
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Discovery Committee