Meeting Minutes for 07/11/2017
E-Content Committee Meeting
- Zinio has been rebranded as RBdigital.
- Marmot changed the facet and location information for Zinio to RBdigital (formerly Zinio) in Pika.
- The change was also made for back issues of Zinio to RBdigital – Back Issues (formerly Zinio) in Pika.
- This change was originally discussed at the July 5th Discovery Committee meeting.
Known problem with OverDrive API holding up Advantage sharing options – Tammy
- Bud Werner and Pitkin County libraries shared their Advantage collection with the consortium.
- The OverDrive API did not work for this sharing method.
- The API would show that both libraries had two copies.
- The patrons would see that both copies were available even when both copies were checked out.
- Mark Noble opened a ticket with OverDrive to get this problem fixed.
- We received information that OverDrive is releasing a new version of the API soon that will contain the correct information.
- This new release will be available for testing in the next few weeks.
- The R & D team (Mark & Pascal) will test the new API to make sure it solves the holdings problem.
- Once we know the API solves the holdings problem, we will start looking at the new Advantage options.
- An email will be sent out with confirmation that the problem has been resolved.
- The ECC group will decide whether to have Jen from OverDrive present the Advantage options for the October 10th meeting, or a meeting before October.
Review the eContent Shared Collection Development Guidelines about weeding & checkouts <10 for juv – Alysa
- The Monthly Purchasing & Maintenance for the Collective is an outline what Alysa and Joyce do every month for OverDrive purchasing for the consortium.
- One of the guidelines is if a title has fewer than 10 checkouts it is weeded from the collection.
- Some children’s books that have fewer than 10 checkouts are still very popular.
- Alysa and Joyce wondered if they could have the discretion to decide to keep a title in the collection with fewer than 10 checkouts.
- Children’s books often do not see the use like adult books, and it is important for us to offer children’s books.
- A question was asked about hiding titles. Weeding hides the book from the patron’s view.
- It was suggested to add #6 to the Monthly Purchasing & Maintenances section about the buyers having discretion when appropriate.
- Another issue that was discussed is the problem with holds on titles that are no longer available for purchase.
- Alysa and Joyce can buy a new version of the title. However, the holds would need to be transferred from the copy no longer available to the new copy.
- Should the buyers (Alysa and Joyce) continue to transfer holds, or change the guidelines that the holds are cancelled and not transferred?
- Currently, holds need to be transferred manually by Alysa and Joyce, which is a lot of work.
- Patrons are not notified that their hold has been cancelled.
- Suggestion was made to ask OverDrive if they could do some of this back end work for us to notify patrons when a hold is cancelled.
- Alysa suggested that OverDrive should be contacted to come up with a solution the holds management issue when they change the lending model of a title, because holds management is the heart of library work.
- We cannot adequately transfer the holds.
- What do you do with copies that are no longer available for sale, but have holds on them?
Action Items:
- Tammy will add #6 to the Monthly Purchasing & Maintenances section about the buyers having discretion when appropriate.
- Tammy will open a ticket with OverDrive about the holds management problem.
- Members should email the ECC email list with items you would like Tammy to bring up at Digipalooza next month.
Setting to disallow expired patrons now that courtesy notices are sent to pre-expired patrons – Jimmy
- The OverDrive setting has been changed, and patrons with expired accounts cannot checkout items.
- Everyone should be using the courtesy notice to let your patrons know their account is about to expire, and to call the library to renew it.
- We are waiting for Innovative APIs to implement an option for patrons to self-renew their library cards online without needing to call the library.
- This is on the agenda to ask if this is working okay, and has everyone enabled the courtesy notices?
- Any problems with the notices, or complaints from patrons that Marmot needs to take action.
Action Item: Tammy will let Brandon know about libraries who need to be set up with courtesy notices.
- Libraries who would like assistance with expired accounts: Pine River, Gunnison, Rampart and Telluride
- Libraries who want to know if they are setup with courtesy notices: Vail & Mesa
- Libraries whose patrons are not getting courtesy notices: Bud & EVLD
Bibliotheca quote to migrate from OverDrive to 3M Cloud – Jimmy
- See email with subject line, “Fwd: Quote to move Marmot OverDrive collection to 3M Cloud,” sent on July 11, 2017 to the ECC email group by Jimmy Thomas. This email shows the quote for the 3M cloudLibrary.
- The email contains the quote and a paragraph about the services they are proposing. Read all the way to the end of the email.
- There was a question about whether Marmot would be joining another consortium's collection.
- The feature is called cloudLinking
- Pueblo is a good reference account for us to talk with about this feature
- Pueblo switched their entire OverDrive collection to Bibliotheca last year
- The effort to communicate with patrons to move from OverDrive to Bibliotheca
- How much effort was involved for library staff
- How was their experience with the migration
- We want to talk with them to ask about their experience with Bibliotheca
- They purchased or migrated 22,000 titles
- What Bibliotheca does with the 3M Cloud is that it sets up this cloud linking option, so a library like Pueblo can share their eBooks with libraries or consortia, like Marmot.
- Cloud liking allows the home library patrons to place a hold on their items. Any of the eBooks that are not on hold are available for anyone to checkout.
- We could set this up for $1000 a year service fee to Bibliotheca
- Jimmy understood that if Marmot purchased five eBooks on day one, we would be sharing five eBooks with Pueblo, but they would be sharing 22,000 item with us. We need to confirm if there’s a minimum.
- There is a good faith intent to come up to a level that will pull or own weight with the Pueblo sharing model.
- On the Front Range, Arapahoe and AspenCat are Bibliotheca customers who set up this cloud link sharing.
- High Plains library has been in communication with other libraries in the state about the cloud-linking concept, but have not switched yet.
- There was a question about whether working with Pueblo means that Marmot is just a member of Bibliotheca, or would we be members of both [Bibliotheca and OverDrive]
- Doing both is a baby step on the way to whether we want to leave OverDrive
- We are not in any position to drop OverDrive. We auto renewed for two more years on 07/10/2017.
- We pay $12,000 to OverDrive for hosting. Bibliotheca is quoting $10,000. They will waive the fee for the first year.
- Libraries who use both or just Bibliotheca prefer their ordering system 2 to 1 to the Marketplace for OverDrive.
- Next steps
- Have a conversation with Pueblo
- See if we can ease into this with one or two Marmot members getting signed up with Bibliotheca and purchasing some eBooks.
- Confirm with those members that they like the way everything works in Pika
- Understanding with Pueblo on how this cloud sharing works. Would they be okay if we never increased our buying in a substantial way? Would they be okay being the net lender? We should have a conversation about expectations with a letter of understanding that would be for all the stakeholders to read and verify.
- There was a question about whether the Bibliotheca eBooks need an app.
- Probably, and that is where efforts like the New York Public Library Project app that is able to use any eBook from any eBook supplier. The vision for that app is not something that we can use yet, but it is open source. We could adopt it and pick it up later. It was never urgent, because we were only working with OverDrive.
- We would have to buy a few items to find out how inconvenient this is for patrons.
- Questions about Bibliotheca 3M cloudLinking
- Can 3M provide single sign-on login?
- Jimmy can ask Brett
- Is 3M Cloud linked to TS360?
- Jimmy can ask Brett
- What is the advantage to joining Bibliotheca is it to just gaining access to Pueblo's eBook collection?
- Content discounts for substantial purchases
- If we could get a 10% discount on every eBook we buy that is $20,000 a year in savings
- Cloud Linking
- What does Bibliotheca have that OverDrive does not?
- Jimmy can ask Brett more about this question
- They have the big five publishers.
- Marmot sent a list of all the titles in our collection, and that is what allowed Bibliotheca to confirm that they could migrate 80 – 85%. That means that 15% of our collection Bibliotheca does not have, or stuff migrated from the old Adobe Content Server (books we brought directly from publishers instead of OverDrive).
- Can 3M provide single sign-on login?
Action Item: Jimmy will put out a doodle poll with the available dates that Jill from Pueblo can meet.
OverDrive Q2 spending report – Jimmy
- Looks like more dollars are shifting towards Advantage titles.
- Garfield County spent a bunch of state grant money on their Advantage collection, so that may be inflating those numbers.
Other Topics:
- What do people think about the Libby app for OverDrive? There is a link to the OverDrive Help Menu and information on
- Summit County did a demo for the library staff
- Their staff really like it
- It works great for anyone who likes to do everything off their phone
- Does not work if you want to download to your computer and transferring to a MP3 player
- There was some confusion about whether items can be returned early using Libby
- Here are some help categories about Libby
- There is a button to return items, but it is grayed out
- You can initially return a checked out the book for a couple of days. After a few days that return option gets grayed out
- Could return the same book early through the Overdrive app
Action Item: Tammy will ask our OverDrive rep if items can be returned early using the Libby app.
- Is anyone using the GoChip Beaming device offered by FreeGal?
- Telluride has purchased 5 GoChip Beaming devices, but has not received them yet
- The GoChip is for streaming movies
- Vail and Eagle will share thoughts after they meet with the FreeGal rep
Next meeting is on Tuesday, October 10 at 1 p.m., unless we have special meeting to discuss OverDrive Advantage sharing options.