Meeting Recording for 06.26.2024

Union Catalog Committee



Discussion Topics

  • New item loader in test by MCPLD on MLN1
  • MLN2 wants to talk about how they treat situations like .b30627795 – What Color is Your parachute?
    • It’s marked as [2023], but the copyright date is actually 2022
  • Boulder records marked that they "haven't worked." What are people doing with them? Is this the bad NoBo record load?

FOLIO Updates

  • Columbia University will adopt FOLIO
  • App Interaction SIG
    • Demo of new advanced search in Inventory module
      • It is really just a new UI, no actual changes to functionality
      • Can't do nesting
      • Can't limit to specific MARC fields
    • Discussion of custom fields in the Inventory module
  • Metadata Management
    • 008 field demo
      • Pull down menus with the correct codes to select
      • Can't save a record with incorrect codes in the 008
    • Tenant-level MARC validation rules so that you could have different MARC validation in different tenants
  • Consortia SIG
    • GALILEO is testing data loading now on Poppy
      • Planning to go live after Quincinalia is out, and they have time to test it
    • Stanford upgraded to Poppy and skipped Orchid. They can't deal with more than one upgrade a year.

Next Special Projects Team Sub-committee meeting: July 10

Next UCC meeting: July 24


Meeting Date: 
Wednesday, 2024, June 26
Documentation Type: 
Meeting Recording
Union Catalog Committee