Pika Release Notes for 06/09/2016
Pika release notes 2016.05.0 release
Released on 6/9/2016
New Functionality
Always display edition information for each manifestation so edition, publisher, publication date, etc. can be seen when these factors vary or when more than .
Additional details can now be shown or hidden within search results for individual works.
Publication Date
Physical Descriptions
Additional customization of which subjects can be viewed in full record view. Can now turn on or off:
LC Subject
Bisac Subjects
Fast Subjects
Other Subjects
Starts with Title Search
Added handling for audiences of | (no attempt to code)
Can now configure whether or not to prevent logins for expired cards. If turned on the patron will get a message that they are expired but will not be allowed to see account information.
Covers are now loaded from the vendor for
ebrary sideloaded content
Lynda.com sideloaded content
Allow configuration of maximum allowed holds by PType for libraries not on Sierra/Millennium.
Bug Fixes
Call numbers with repeated subfields are now shown properly
Order records from Sierra are now suppressed if code4 is set to n
Searches with quotes were still stemming within table of contents searches (i.e. “how to change the world”
Keyword searches were not capturing some records if the order of keywords in the query did not match the order in the MARC record or if they were a significant distance away due to proximity searching. Removed the proximity restrictions.
If a title had copies that were available for In Library Use Only at another location, that status was incorrectly displayed even though other copies were available for holds.
Updated to ignore 300e (related content) when checking format
If a title is detected as both Video and VideoDisc we now force the DVD format to be used.
If a title is detected as both Blu-Ray and VideoDisc we now force the Blu-ray format.
E-mail my PIN is now working for Horizon libraries
Updated display for eContent to include Notes
Title displayed in search results now prefers the title from Books to give catalogers more control over formatting.
Better handling of patrons where the home location could not be determined because the home location does not exist as a location in Pika or is not set within the ILS. Will now default to the main branch for the library or to the first branch for the library until the branch is updated in the ILS. Not having a home branch set caused a variety of errors.
Significantly reduced memory usage when loading content enrichment and more like this information.
Author and publisher now have trailing punctuation removed when displayed in search results.
Exporting a large number of materials requests to Excel now works properly.
OverDrive staff view had http content that caused mixed content type warnings when accessing Pika via HTTPS
Side loading setups
OneClickDigital for Englewood
Lynda.com for EVLD
Ebrary for Adams State University (transfer of records to EBSCO)
Additional documentation has been added to library configurations. All sections should now have some documentation for them.
Materials Request functionality has been documented both from administrator and user perspectives.
Digital archive work in Pika
New Archive Home page showing a list of projects and types of materials within the archive.
Individual projects can be removed from the homepage based on metadata within Islandora
Lo-Res images (jpg source)
Larger image is displayed by default to fill width of the page
Hi-Res images (tiff source)
Image is now shown within open sea dragon for improved zooming. This also improves security of the original since the image is delivered in pieces to the user so they never see a full resolution copy of the original.
All Images now allow restriction of which sizes can be downloaded based on metadata within the collection they are contained within.
Audio File Transcript allows jumping to different areas within the audio file.
Collections can be browsed on a map
Up to 250 places can be shown at once
Size of the marker depends on the number of objects related to that place
Clicking on a marker show objects related to that place
If more than 24 objects exist for the location, the user can page to the next set of results
Objects can be filtered based on the year they were created if entered.
Places that do not currently have Latitude and Longitude available are shown in a popup window accessible by clicking on a button.
Whether or not the collection is viewed on a map is set by metadata in Islandora
When clicking on locations, the url updates and can be bookmarked/shared with other users.
Caching of information from GeoNames and Who’s On First
Some performance work (more to be done still)
Other Changes
CMU is live on Pika now
Updated theme for Aspencat
Updated theme for Summit County
Updated logo and header for Gunnison County LIbraries
Searching section of Library Settings has been re-arranged to make a bit more sense
Postcards from Fort Lewis are still uploading
Automatically copy export from Arlington to test server