Minutes for 02/27/2013

Union Catalog Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Old Business:

  • (Penny)—Vendor records vs. incoming bibliographic records Amy will try again in a few weeks to schedule a demo on how some libraries use the acquisitions module with their vendor records.
  • (Angela)—How are other libraries handling local holdings on Nooks? No update on this.
  • (Mary Katherine)—Discussion of duplicate records and the continuation of their removal Amy mentioned the letter that was drafted and sent to Jimmy, requesting the Board to continue approval of funding someone to continue working on removing duplicate bibs.
  • (Mary Katherine)—Item fields for eContent records A new variable length field (field g – with the descriptor of eContent) has been added to the item records for use with eContent materials. It has been mapped in the load tables as well as the marc export table as field w. By adding this field to the 949 line used for creating an item record when the bib is loaded, subfield g can be populated with the information Mark needs for faceting in VuFind. The information must be standardized as follows….it is on one line, no subfields, the source and the protection type separated by a space, a colon, and a space. Here’s an example: |wOverDrive : External The eContent documentation will be updated to reflect this change. We can start to load items with this data now. It won’t be implemented in VuFind until the next release, tentatively scheduled for March 8. Until then, the 037 marc tag in the bib record is still needed. After the VuFind release has been deployed, we will want to do some clean up, removing the 037 from the bibs and adding the new field to the item records. Doing this in batch should be possible although the details have not been worked out yet.
  • (Mary Katherine)—Multiple formats on the same bib Mark discussed the problems that can happen with electronic resource bibs that have items attached from more than one vendor. He will draft a list of the variations and send them to the UCC. A subcommittee should be appointed to create guidelines for what formats can and cannot share bibs.

New Business:

  • (MK) Description of changes in Millennium with the upgrade to Rel 2011 A brief presentation describing some of the enhancements coming with Rel2011 was given. A document of the enhancements was sent via email Tuesday afternoon. Answers to a few of the questions that were raised will be sent to this group in a separate email.
  • (Amy) Presentation at Council—who might be able to present on behalf of our committee? Jamie will give the oral report at council meeting, April 22. Amy will provide information for this report.

These topics will be addressed at the next meeting.

  • (Mary Katherine)—ebrary RDA survey RDA topics: what edits to make to RDA bibs when we don’t use them for all formats? does new practice of eContent info in item records make it so we can share formats on bibs? What about holds then? It would confuse patrons to have to choose between online and print item when placing holds.
  • Revision of Cataloging Standards for RDA information System created files at end of create lists – demonstrate how to remove them 
Meeting Date: 
Wednesday, 2013, February 27
Documentation Type: 
Meeting Minutes
Union Catalog Committee