
11/02/2021 - It was announced during the Marmot Knowledge Base 101 MUG session that Marmot staff have moved documentation from the Marmot website to the Marmot Knowledge Base using a product called Confluence. Here is a information about those changes.
04/20/2021 - Marmot Library Network is pleased to announce that Northern Waters Library Network launched the Pika discovery layer for their catalog on April 20, 2021.
04/29/2020 - Included is a list of past trainings as well as the recordings.
04/08/2019 - On May 2nd, Marmot is offering free online training for all our members. Registration is required.


Sierra 6.2 Patch Upgrade is Complete

Please open a service request on the Help Desk if you notice any issues

Clearing the jarcache


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