Meeting Minutes for 07/16/2024

Digital Archive Committee 
July 16, 2024


  • New Business & Updates
    • News from the Good Marmot Folk


  • A few accessibility bug fixes that will be in the next full release
  • Contract is signed, work will kick off in September
  • MUG 2024
    • Chris will be demoing the AI transcription tool about 30 min of presentation
    • Would really like to highlight collections, so please let us know what you would like to include
  • Boulder Islandora 
    • Working with Discovery Garden to address issues with bots overloading the site
    • Dialing in cybersecurity structure for Boulder Islandora
      • New server standups tend to experience bots and outages
Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, 2024, July 16
Documentation Type: 
Meeting Minutes
Digital Archive Committee