Release Notes for 06/04/2024

Pika Release Notes 2024.02.0

New Functionality

  • Accessibility 1.1.1 Account page cover images (Minute 2:09)
    • Update alt text of book cover images to include title of work if available

  • Accessibility 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Minute 02:38)
    • Change page headings from h2 or h3 headings tags to h1 and add role attribute of “heading” and attribute of aria-level=”1”

  • Ensure every page has h1, aria-level=”1” heading 
  • Search results, Account pages, user lists show the title first in every entry and the title is now embedded in h2 (second heading) tags

  • Assistive technology can use headings for easier navigation
  • Accessible labels for checkboxes don’t need to repeat the work’s title
  • Popup (modal dialog) title is h2 heading

  • On Grouped Work view and Record view pages, More Details accordion headings are now h2 heading tags
  • Account Settings page accordion headings are now h2 heading tags
  • Embed breadcrumbs in nav tags with aria label of Breadcrumb


  • Use Landmark tags (and role of Region) to identify regions of pages


  •  header (aria role of banner) - top of catalog  (this also different from html head tag which is not displayed)
  • search - search forms in search tags
  • main - main area of each page is contained in main tag
  • Sidebar html contained in tag with region role
  • footer (aria role of contentinfo)


  • Archive explore more bar set in region tag of aside

  • All forms with required fields, the html input tags have aria-required=”true”


  • The top facet Format Categories icons are now embedded in an unordered list

        Share tool icons are now embedded in an unordered list

  • Accessibility 1.4.1 Use of Color (Minute 11:17)
    • URLs within blocks of texts have a dotted underline so that they are distinguishable from other text without relying on color.


  • Accessibility 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Minute 1:08) & (Minute 12:26)
    • Base theme coloring meets minimum contrasts  (4.5: 1)
      • My Account pages, Record view pages, Search results and faceting



  • Colorado library themes coloring updated and confirmed to have accessible contrasts
  • Some discovery partner themes updated and confirmed
    • NWLN, Woodland public
    • Majority of themes still need updating and contrasts confirmed


  • Accessibility 2.1.1 Keyboard (Minute 14:50)
    • Account settings page​
      • Make notification preference options and OverDrive lending period options keyboard selectable

  • Search facet accordion headings now open when using keyboard navigation

  • Grid or List mode buttons for browse category results can now activate for keyboard users
  • More Browse Results button at bottom of browse category page can now activate via keyboard action
  • Carousels are now keyboard navigable
    • Browse category carousel

  • Browse category carousels without left/right control buttons (eg. Vail)

  • Explore More bar carousel
  • “More Like This” and “Also in This Series” carousels on Grouped Work or Record View pages
  • Carousels found on archive pages and archive page Explore More sidebar
  • Bookbag reworked - Now bookshelf. Keyboard operable and screen reader accessible.

  • Star User ratings interface replaced with Accessible version (Minute 21:32)




  • Accessibility 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
    • Top of document, first keyboard focus links
      • Skip to main content

  • Skip to search

  • Skip to sidebar

  • Accessibility 2.4.3 Focus Order
    • For keyboard navigation, elements that trigger the modal pop-up, keyboard focus will be returned to the element after the pop-up is closed
  • Accessibility 2.4.4 Link Purpose
    • The “More browse results” button at the bottom of browse category results now has accessible label
  • Accessibility 2.4.7 Focus Visible
    • Account settings page checkbox sliders
    • Improve focus highlights on search results cover images
    • The sidebar vertical menu now has good focus outline
    • Accordion heading
  • Accessibility 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum) - requiring minimum 24px by 24px target area (WCAG 2.2 Standard) (Minute 25:01)
    • Base font size increase (from 14px to 15px) combined with the base line height increase to 1.7 to ensure text links meet minimum height requirements  (15px * 1.7 = 25.5px)
    • Increased margins between sidebar menu links to minimum separation between targets
  • Accessibility 3.2.2 On Input (Minute 26:28)
    • Make select linked account menu keyboard-friendly
    • Make search sort options keyboard-friendly

  • Accessibility 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
    • Search result pages entry checkboxes have accessible labels
    • Account page entry checkboxes have accessible labels
    • Show/Hide Password icons have accessible labels that switch as the mode is switched
    • Carousel left/right controller buttons now have accessible labels
    • Embedded iframes have title attributes
      • GoodReads reviews
      • Archive Google Maps


  • Accessibility for List Widgets (Minute 30:26)
    • Pause button for auto-rotating horizontal List Widgets


  • On List Widgets Admin page, Accessibility notes have been added for making embedded list widgets accessible.  Eg.  Adding title attribute to the iframe tag


  • Browser Autocomplete hints for Self-Registration forms (Minute 33:33)

  • Reading History Guide added to My Reading History page (Minute 34:20



Bug Fixes

  • n/a

Sideloads (Minute 34:51)

Additional Work

  • Northern Waters server migration
    • Final migration wrapping up the project
  • New Theming
    • Colorado Mountain College
    • Buena Vista Public Library
    • Eagle Valley Library District
    • Woodland Public Library (Sacramento Public library partner)

Documentation (Minute 36:07)


Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, 2024, June 4
Documentation Type: 
Release Notes
Discovery Committee