Readers Advisory
Discovery of new and relevant materials happens throughout the Pika interface.
Librarians can customize the browsing homepage to include new materials, custom lists, and recommendations based on specified searches or subject categories. These customized lists or categories can be changed for special events or holidays. Librarians can create an every changing dynamic list of items for their patrons. You do not need to be a webmaster in order to update your own catalog.
More Like This lists automatically recommend related materials for every item in the catalog including movies and music. Clicking on the item will bring you directly to catalog listing for that title. This is a great way for patrons to discover titles related to books they have read and it's a great way for Librarians to help their patrons with recommendations.
Patron-specific recommendations based on titles that the patron has rated. Recommendations are based on a combination of information from NoveList as well as More Like This functionality. It is like having your own Reader's Advisory for each patron!