Marmot Academic Committee (MAC)

Marmot Academic Committee -MAC (2015 - )

Purpose of the Marmot Academic Committee (MAC) 

  • Formalize communications in our messages to Marmot; develop a strong consensus; strength of purpose; Marmot has a large public library contingent--ensure that the Academics have a strong voice; empower the Academics; use the meetings to create a better means of communication between libraries and between the libraries and Marmot
  • Explore the possibility of group purchasing
  • Facilitate exchanges (of staff between libraries)
  • Develop best practices
  • Pika issues are our current priority but do not need to be formalized in the charge as we hope to move beyond them soon

MAC meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month.  The Marmot Meetings Calendar shows meeting times and the meeting link.  

MAC Meeting Topics (Google Doc)

Marmot Academic Committee Members

Committee Chair Position is Open

Lloyd Chittenden - Marmot Library Network
Tammy Poquette - Marmot Library Network

Adams State University

Katherine "Kat" Parker
Amanda Langdon-DeVaul

Aims Community College

Carol Satersmoen
Douglas Strauss

Colorado Christian University

Michael Smith

Colorado Mesa University

Jamie Walker
Sylvia Rael

Colorado Mountain College

Jonathan Beam
Katy Walker
Loretta Vigil
Tracey Hughes

Fort Lewis College

Tyler Dunn

Western Colorado University

Tiffanie Wick